Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I Hate... getting petrol

so.. yes i hate getting petrol, i didn't mind it at all when i lived in England, its simple there, you drive to the pump of your choice, fill you car up with however much petrol you want, go into the shop and pay then you can drive off happy that it only took a few minutes out of your day.

But oh no  not here in Spain, some petrol stations expect you to fill up the car yourself, some have somebody there to fill the car up for you, but if there is nobody there waiting to fill cars up then you don't know if you are supposed to wait for them or not and if you start to fill your car up yourself and you are not supposed to they come running over to you looking all angry, like how dare you touch my petrol pump angry. Then they start with the questions: is that the right fuel for you car? how much are you putting in? blah blah blah.

I never know how much petrol I'm putting in my car, and they always want to know, the prices change so much here that if you choose an amount based on price one week, it could be a completely different amount next week. And of course the prices vary wildly from one petrol station to another. It cost me 45€ to fill the tank one month and 62€ to fill the tank another month, how are you supposed to know???

Then it comes to paying, some places expect you to pay before you get any petrol ( for this you need the psychic ability to guess how much a full tank is in euros), some places expect you to walk into the shop and pay after you have got petrol, some expect you to pay the man who put petrol in your car, but then if you want a receipt you still have to go into the shop and ask for one and explain that you paid the man outside.

The whole ordeal just seems like such a palaver to me, especially when you are told you have to wait for someone to serve you and it can take upto 20 mins just to fill you car up because they are helping other people first, or just stood there talking to people while you stand around waiting get increasingly annoyed.

Does anyone else have this problem?

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